Monday, October 24, 2005


What is one to do when they see Scripture not as revealed texts, but as human documents. Documents shaped by the history, the culture, the problems and influences, the politics and social issues of their day. What happens when the idea that God oversees this process and whispers into open ears his text begins to fade into the background - and that background becomes a speck, and that speck is lost in a sea of specks.

Can these texts in any way still have authority over life, life right here, right now? Does authority require revealed scripture? How would (could?!) a non-revealed body of texts influence and impact the life of a follower?

Moreover, revealed or not, what does 'authority' mean? How far does it extend, what are its bounds and limitations, if any?

The fine paths some of us walk.

Fools walk where angels fear to tread, no doubt.


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