Monday, October 10, 2005

Feeling a Little Guilty

We're almost at the half way point of the semester, and my workload is still relatively low. I thought at the beginning of the year that the load would pick up by the October, but that was not the case. Of course, I only have four courses this semester (and six next semester, for a total of 31 credits in winter session), which thus explains the lack of stress at the moment.

The weird thing is, I sometimes feel guilty. There isn't anything I can do about it, I'm taking all the courses I can given my situation (double major, trying to catch up, etc...). My first and second year winter sessions were much busier than this, that much I remember. So yes, I feel kind of odd - a little guilty.

But then I think to myself: I came into third year with around 90 credits. That's what most people have at the end of third year. So the thought in my mind is, 'why should I feel guilty at all! I've damn well earned it!' I'll have in the vicinity of 120 credits by the end of this year; I'll graduate next year just shy of 150 credits. I have spent both my summers taking summer session, and so far I have completed 21 credits in the summer. I will be taking at least 7 credits this summer, and possibly 10. So shit, why should I feel guilty!?

I've earned it.


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