Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Slow and Steady

You may have noticed I've been involved with blogs much more lately - again.

Well, life isn't as hectic anymore. Part of it is that I reorganized my life. But another part is that, well, I'm over a big hump.

Medical school applications are pretty much finished. Medical school references are all complete. Midterms are done except for one. I don't have any essays due till the end of November (I think there are 4, I've lost count). But, I've partitioned my time, so that hopefully being organized will keep me sane.

Sunday night was the first time in 2 months that I sat at my desk and realized I didn't have to work!

What a liberating feeling.

With a massive load of stress off my shoulders, I find that I have stuff to write about yet again.


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