Thursday, January 12, 2006

Take It Easy

I have noticed something: my dad and I are alike in a very certain way.

A couple days ago, Dan and I were chattin' over lunch, and we came upon the topic of how people deal with stress. I told him that I didn't want to be the type of person that makes a big deal over their stress. Everyone is busy, everyone has stress, there is no need to get all down and grumpy over it. Not only that, but when you get grumpy, you tend to pull those around you down as well - which in turn feeds your grumpiness. I was telling him that I don't want to be like that if I ever get into Med school (our conversation started with how busy med students are). Not only that, I have not wanted to be like that throughout my undergraduate education.

At which point Dan tells me something he has noticed: I'm pretty easy going.

Fast forward to the next day on the bus ride to school. I was thinking about my Dad, and how he is so easy going in life. I don't recall ever hearing my dad whine or complain. Throughout all the financial woes our family has gone through, Dad hasn't ever gotten grumpy. Throughout all the hard work he has to do to build houses, Dad hasn't ever gotten grumpy. When you hang around him, you'd never know how many things are hovering about, trying to stress him out in life.

But he doesn't wear it on his sleeve.

He takes it easy.

That's one thing about Dad I wanna be like.



Eugene said...

Slow and easy...stress is only a human created factor.

Your dad needs to write a book, then he'll make millions..I'll publish it through SOFRA, we'll make millions...

I can hear the stock rising


Anonymous said...


muh dad is like that too. always so laid back and easy going. i've heard from muh sis about all the crap muh dad goes thru at work (she worked there all summer... i guess receptionists are always busier than accountant clerks :D)... and i know the stuff he goes thru at home (hahahhaha.. no comment). but yah... i seem to hv inherited the recessive genes... coz i flip out like crazy.

i guess that's the difference b/w a rabbi and accountant clerk.