Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Honest Thomas

I feel like sharing a post by a fellow blogger whose blog I regularly read (highly recommended stuff!). This post of hers talks about Thomas, who is often called Doubting Thomas. I just wanted to share a few quotes and then lead you to the article itself in case your fancy has been tickled.

A quote to remember:
"Doubt is not the same as unbelief. Unbelief is a determined refusal to believe, whereas doubt is an honest owning up to not being convinced."

Something her Tutor at Cambridge told her during her training for ordination:
"Don't feel obliged to believe anything you don't believe. Keep on studying, keep on hanging around the community, and just see what happens. If God is there he will show up again sooner or later...Oh, and by the way, if you find that God actually DOESN'T exist, you'd better come back and tell me as I shall want to leave the Church too."

The result:
"Without the pressure to produce the elusive faith I relaxed in my doubts for a few months. And somewhere - I can't quite think when or how - suddenly there it was again. There HE was again."

Beautiful stuff. Check it out!

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