Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Live 8

I wish Live 8 would have a concert on the west coast. The whole Live Aid concept is awesome. What better thing for rich and famous music stars to do than to raise money and awareness for global poverty and debt relief.

Check out the BBC article.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Creative Boredom

An hour and a half of boredom on the bus ride home netted me the following pitiful aphorism:

Women have the goods - and it's a seller's market.

I feel more and more like Marvin the Robot every day.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

It's that time of the year again...

Today was the opener to this year's graduation ceremony celebrations. Three hours of mind numbing boredom for 15 seconds of yelling and cheering and excitement and joy. Of course, remembering back to my grad ceremony, it was a really special day for me. I don't remember much now, but I'm thankful that I had that day to celebrate with friends and family for years and years of hard work. And thats why I still go to these things.

I had one of those 'good ol' days' moments today. Remembering the days when I wasn't just a student number. Remembering the days when teachers actually seemed to care for me and my education. Now, teachers who even know your name, let alone show some care for you, are few and far between. If you come across one in your post-secondary education, consider yourself blessed.
Also remembering the days when the question of what you're going to do with your life was still far far away. Realizing that only in a couple years I will be a university graduate with a Bachelors degree is daunting, to say the least. Within the next 5 years I will probably move out, start on a career path, and begin to pay for my own existence all by my lonesome. Ah, the good ol' days.

But, life goes on, doesn't it? We grow old and tired and wrinkly. We live by the sweat of our toils.

The good ol' days.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Delirious put on a sweet concert. Most of the time my eyes were on the electric guitarist. But, hey, what can I say - that's what happens when you're an electric guitarist. Anyways, nice mix of old and new songs. The concert was put on for the Vancouver Firefighters Burn Fund, an excellent cause. All in all, a great night.

Oh, and if you've noticed some short posts lately, I figure I don't have to post an essay every time I blog. There are plenty of times I just have a few sentences to put out and that's all. I'm sure the big essay posts will still be around, but I think not worrying about just putting up a short post is a good way to keep me blogging regularly.


Sunday, May 22, 2005


It's nice to be home. I wasn't gone for long, but still, there's nothing like home. Our trip to Kamloops was awesome. Met many new people and had loads of fun. Got to see and experience a city which I have only driven through in the past. Great place.

I hope to blog in more detail about the trip later. For now, I must rest and get some food in me.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Honest Thomas

I feel like sharing a post by a fellow blogger whose blog I regularly read (highly recommended stuff!). This post of hers talks about Thomas, who is often called Doubting Thomas. I just wanted to share a few quotes and then lead you to the article itself in case your fancy has been tickled.

A quote to remember:
"Doubt is not the same as unbelief. Unbelief is a determined refusal to believe, whereas doubt is an honest owning up to not being convinced."

Something her Tutor at Cambridge told her during her training for ordination:
"Don't feel obliged to believe anything you don't believe. Keep on studying, keep on hanging around the community, and just see what happens. If God is there he will show up again sooner or later...Oh, and by the way, if you find that God actually DOESN'T exist, you'd better come back and tell me as I shall want to leave the Church too."

The result:
"Without the pressure to produce the elusive faith I relaxed in my doubts for a few months. And somewhere - I can't quite think when or how - suddenly there it was again. There HE was again."

Beautiful stuff. Check it out!