Thursday, March 17, 2005

The calm before the storm

Life is once again calm. I finished my paper for my Monday due date. I spent my whole last weekend grinding away on this paper. I think it's of my weaker papers; the argumentation wasn't as tight as I wanted it to be. And of all the papers I've writtin for religious studies, I was the least confident about my thesis (and the warrant for it). I wish I had managed my time better and had read a wider selection of literature (primary sources, especially). But whatever, its done. And its only a second year term paper, I don't think anyone expects the confidence and wide base of a thesis paper. Maybe I'll post some of the paper up one day, in case anyone is interested.

Whats more, my wonderful little gnome is at level 41. I love having a mount, but man - it looks like a giant mechanical turkey..ugh. The guys and I also started our horde characters. We're just waiting for a certain someone to go and buy the game! (name withheld for security reasons)

I've also set my quit day for the bank. April 23rd is gonna be my last day as a teller, a sad day in history, but I really don't want to have a job during summer session. Not again, not this year. Last summer was hell for me; I won't go through that again. I want to actually HAVE a summer, however limited it may be.

And lastly, term is coming to the last pull before exams. I'm behind in readings, behind in understanding, and just, well, plain behind. But it's still calm. No major exams or papers left. Nothing but finals stand between me and 2 weeks of summer break.

Till the next post.
Peace be with you all.

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