Sunday, February 27, 2005

Why didn't I read during reading week?

Hunter is on the shelf, now it's a level 33 mage (named 'Sophon', still on Gorefiend), oh joy. What wonderful time wasted playing that game. They should put addiction warnings on computer games, you know, like they put on cigarette cases. I'm sure Blizzard is replacing all their toilets with golden thrones as we speak.

It seems I'm going to do my term paper on Jesus and other miracle healers. I really have no idea where to start, or which direction to go. I think that's probably the best when dealing with this kind of stuff. You can't go into biblical studies thinking you already know the answers, and try and mould what you come across into that package: public universities don't let that crap fly, nor (in my opinion) should a good seminary. No, I'm actually quite happy starting the way I am. The moment we think we got Jesus down pat is when we know we have a dead Church, and a boring academia. Nazi Germany thought they knew who Jesus was, so did white Apartheid South Africa. Tom Wright often comments that when we look down the water well of history to see Jesus, we often tend to see nothing more than our own reflections staring back up at us. Scary, eh? Jesus in our likeness and our image. Scary for the Church, scary for the world.

I have a feeling I'm falling behind in my Hebrew class. Greek takes so much time and effort that I barely have any juice left for Hebrew. As I've mentioned here before, we're working through the book of Jonah doing our own translation. This is an amazing experience so far. Reading a text in the original language isn't just cool for its own sake--all the nuances and literary devices which you now see--but also it forces you to slow down and actually pay attention to the text. What takes you 30 minutes to translate takes 30 seconds to zip over in English. You miss so much by 'zippin'. And the book of Jonah itself, that's some incredible stuff. One day, in the future, maybe I'll post a few things I've learned about the book.

As a last note, thanks to all who spend the 10 seconds to drop a comment as they pass by. Comments are open to all; you don't need any membership to, so feel free to leave a blurb for me. And I wouldn't mind if you left your name as well! I'd like to be able to respond to your comments knowing who I'm responding to.

Grace to all you passers-by. Stay safe, stay sane (especially as finals draw ever so near).


Anonymous said...

Hey Hey! So what's this world of Warcraft that you're talking about? It sounds quite interesting, but i never like those kinds of strategic games as I always build things to slowly and afterawhile, I find my opponents army all over my territory....

It's so interesting to read ur blogs. You're so's insane!

Your devoted reader,

Kevin said...

Mr. Bill So!

World of Warcraft is an MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game...try saying that five times fast). Basically, you control your character and run around this huge world exploring, doing quests, fighting all sorts of different creatures. Wonderful stuff!

I'm glad you're dropping by and enjoying the blog.

Catch ya soon.