Thursday, December 30, 2004

Mr. Freeman, aren't you supposed to be in the test chamber?

Ahh yes, the world of Blogs. I finally bit the bullet and decided to have my very own shiny new blog. You can expect anything and everything here. You'll probably come across a lot of comments on biblical studies. Considering that's my undergraduate major and possible career path, it's not surprising. You may come across the random biological tidbit. If you want more, you can always buy my textbooks, wink wink. You just may see some guitar-ish talk going on. Sports just may come up, I do love football (okay what the heck is with American football being called 'football', you expect the rest of the world to call football soccer because of you, bah!), and Canada's main squeeze (sorry lacrosse fans) - hockey. And if you're a good little lad, I'll give you a few things about my life as well.

If I bore you, or you don't like me, boo hoo. This is the internet, just go somewhere else. If your blog bored me, I'd probably leave as well, so don't feel bad.

And finally, don't expect regular postings from me. I might dump 5 posts in a day, then go into exile for guarantees. Maybe in a year or so my posting habits will clearer.

And yes, I was supposed to be in the test chamber. Tell Alyx to meet me there.


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