Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Do one thing a day that scares you.

It was printed on the side of a bag.


Number of hours in a week: 168

So far...
School: 18 hrs/week (21 including tutorials) **Thank God I'm done my lab courses**
Bus: 11 hrs/week
Work: 9 hrs/week
Church: 5 hrs/week
Sleep: 55 hrs/week
ESS: 10 hrs/week (East, shit, shower)

Subtotal: 107 hrs
Time remaining: 61 hrs

Soon to add...
Dance Class: 2 hrs /week
Volunteering: 3 hrs/week

New Subtotal: 112 hrs
Time remaining: 56 hrs

That's 56 hours every week to...
- Study, write papers, research assignments
- Prepare applications for medical school (very long and involved process)
- Maintain a relationship
- Try and keep friendships
- Relax and stay sane!

I'm becoming quite good at juggling.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Fourth Year Term 1 Schedule

My schedule for this upcoming term: